The Letting Go Essence
The Letting Go Essence helps root and ground you. It allows you to be still so you can release what you don’t need anymore. This Essence helps you gently let go of attachments to behaviour or situations that no longer serve you. It opens your eyes up to what changes support your highest good. The Letting Go Essence is the first part in the four part Soul Series Essences. It is taken 3 drops 3 x a day.
Keywords: Change, Release, Honesty, Freedom.
Please note: all Essences are taken at your own risk according to our Terms & Conditions
The Soul Series is a powerful tool for Divine Inner Transformation and represents a healing journey that moves stuck issues forward on inner and outer planes, and, your Soul Path. This Essence is often taken by clients when they want to really find understanding in a limiting situation in their lives, to bring them Freedom, and tender changes to crisp up their new shift inside. When you’ve felt stuck in a limiting situation, this series can give you the steps to Sovereignty, as you bring new perspectives into being. A trickling emergence at each stage of the journey adds understanding, which builds up to the next Essence. The Soul Essence Series helps you consider new ways of how to Be, take new paths, so you can raise your life choices into something that feels rewarding and more whole. Let the Soul Series Essences guide you back home to yourself, start your journey inwards to Freedom.
This essence is the first step in the process – Letting Go, which helps you clear out what you want to get freedom from, be that old ways of behaving, or situations that no longer serve you.
The Essences in the series are:
LG –
This gentle essence helped me see what it was that needed to pass away and feel like it was OK for it to do so. I then made a lot of changes.
AA –
I was going through a difficult time, and felt a lot of anger with certain people and situations. I really wanted to clear this away from me. This essence has turned things around and now I no longer feel as upset or affected anymore