Psychic Consultations
What is a Psychic Consultation?
A Psychic Consultation is a spiritually derived, personal and focused look at what is going on for you in your life, with me, a genuine Clairvoyant. I use my Spirit guides and helpers, and yours, who communicate information to me via words, mental imagery or feelings. I will then talk to you about this about this channelled information, imparting it to you as I receive it. The main body of my practice is Psychic and prediction work rather than Mediumship (talking to people who have passed over).
What happens in a Psychic Consultation?
The first thing to tell you is that I will not tell you anything really bad or awful, or predict anything that is going to frighten you! It’s very important that you know this, and that you know that you will not be faced with doom and gloom. If you have had a hard time recently, then of course we expect that this experience will be reflected in your cards, as it is a part of what has happened for you, and part of your history, but you know about this bit already yourself. Do not worry that you will be told something that would make you afraid, this is not going to happen. You are in a warm and supportive held space, a safe place to be seen.
The process is as follows, so you know what to expect when you have a Psychic Consultation with me. We will have already established when we’ll have the session when we initially connected prior via email or telephone, and chosen which method below fits best with you. If it is Zoom I’ll send you a Zoom link, if Skype we can be connected on Lucy.guy1, or via Messenger or FaceTime. If none of those work for you, we still have the telephone option! You don’t need to be a technical wizard, you can just click on the link I send you if on Zoom, but we will talk through how best to do the appointment when we initially connect.
The Beauty of having a Reading over Zoom etc is that you can be in the relaxed & warm comfort of your own home, so no need to have to travel, find parking or even get dressed! I have done many, many readings for people in their pyjamas!
These methods still work, don’t worry! I’m used to Reading for people in all different parts of this country and other countries, so I am very experienced in working like this with you. All the information we need will still come through fine.
Sometimes people prefer the place of a friend, or their Air B & B as part of their holiday experience (this is common when a few people all book readings for an event such as a hen night etc) or even, outside in some beautiful and peaceful nature, or significant place to you. Many people choose to have the reading in the privacy of their own car, which is very popular with working people as they often use this for readings at lunchtime at work, or between appointments, or if it’s something that feels urgent for you and you want to connect with me quickly it’s an option for you to receive guidance in a private space.
This flexibility allows you to choose the best environment for you which you can tailor to your day that day. We will have booked an appointment via Skype, Zoom, Messenger, FaceTime or even the telephone. There is a 48 hour cancellation policy, so be mindful of this when you book, as you’d be charged if you’d cancelled within this period.
How it works
At our appointment, I will tune into you personally and specifically. I give you the information about what is initially presenting for you. I do this so that you can know that you are with an authentic Clairvoyant; that I can do what I say I can do, and that you know our connection is genuine. Your Reading will stick to the time slot you booked and for the amount of time that you booked also.
We can look at the themes that arise, and the solutions that might support you. You may want to ask me specific questions and we will look at these as a part of your Reading.
Tarot Readings
The deck I use is the Motherpeace deck (see their website because they are friendly, multicultural and warm looking cards. During your consultation I initially tune into you, and speak about what is most presenting, I will use the Tarot cards, and expand upon the themes raised, and then you have an opportunity to ask me specific questions about any issues you want to explore.
Sometimes I’ll hold one of the cards up to you to show you so you can see the picture of the theme, or, if you have any experience with Tarot yourself I’ll tell you what the card is in your own deck so you might want to lay the cards out later yourself to look at the themes. In this manner, sometimes a little tuition can form a part of the reading if you’re interested to know about a particular card, although this isn’t at all necessary, and you don’t need to know anything about Tarot cards at all to receive a Tarot reading. I’ve had many clients book tuition sessions following their reading as they are keen to expand their knowledge, but you don’t need any Tarot knowledge to receive a reading at all, and even if you did want to learn more, you can start any tuition as an absolute beginner, with no prior experience at all.
Why do I need a Psychic Consultation?
We all go through life with our expectations and hopes about what we want out of it, what our destiny and our path forward is. Sometimes it can be hard to find or hold onto our vision for ourselves; we can get muddled, issues can crowd in on us. Often, we need clarity with our direction; with our personal relationships with others, our careers, our finances, and our general health and life queries. Things can get overwhelming or seem a bit ridiculous as we navigate these personal issues, we are usually not sophisticates of life and want some support with it all.
We ask:
- “Is s/he the one?”
- “Is this the right job?”
- “Am I going to travel?”
- “When are things going to get better for me?”
- “Should I stay or should I leave?”
- “What is going on with my health?”
- “What’s going on with my finances?”
- “When will I find love?”
- “Which is the best direction for me to go in?”
- “What would happen if I took this option or what would happen if I took that option?”
- “What is going on with this relationship?”
- “Does s/he love me?”
- “What dynamics are going on in my work relationships with my boss and my colleagues?’’
- “When will things improve for me or what blocks this right now?”
- “How can I best help myself?”
- “Where am I going?”
- “Is this person trustworthy?”
- “What am I doing well?”
- “How can I get what I want?”
- “What is my life path and where am I on it?”
- “What is coming up for me in my career?”
At times we can feel confused when we are seeking help with our issues, and the authentic Psychic Consultation that I offer is an invaluable support as it can give you an overview of what is really going on in the situation and all the dynamics at play. A good Clairvoyant reading can help you see where you are in it all now, show options available, and reveal things that were hidden to you. This can give you information to help you make the best decisions for yourself, your life, and show you choices and perspectives you might not have been able to reach alone. A reading can give you courage to take the next step if you’ve felt a bit alone or tender, and want to shift into feeling more direction and sovereignty again.
You can gain an understanding of the dynamics and motivations in personal situations between people, hidden patterns that are underneath our interactions and help and support to find your best outcome. Life can be tough at times, and events and circumstances, situations and relationships, problems and issues can all make us feel really vulnerable and tender. We really need to feel supported and ‘held’ in a safe place emotionally at these times so we can find clarity on our issues. What is most important to me is that within your Psychic reading you feel that you are with someone who can provide that safety to you with any vulnerable feelings, as we find solutions to your questions about your life, in integrity. In this manner, the service that I offer becomes of therapeutic value to you, and provides a safe place to be seen for who you are.
Psychic Consultations are such a helpful insight into events around us helping us make the decisions we need to for our individual solutions as to what feels right for us and enables us to keep on keeping on! A good clairvoyant reading will help you see yourself and your situation with clarity, people often say that what was revealed was what they had deeply felt themselves ‘but weren’t quite aware of in words’.
Whatever your question , you can be sure that you will be seen by a Genuine clairvoyant who makes this process a safe, authentic and comfortable one, for you to get answers you need to the questions you have about your life. Come in and let me help you find your solution.
How to choose the right psychic for me?
Choosing the right Psychic for you can feel like a bit of a minefield at times, you’ll want to know that you are being genuinely seen and that the reader can meet your personal wishes with regards to what you want out of a reading.
Some of the questions that I think help to find some clarity about what you might want are:
* What type of service am I looking for? Do I want a Psychic reading? ( this is more the focus of my own practice, and is more predictive work)
*Do I want a Mediumship reading? ( talking to those who have passed over)
* Do I like the sound of the person? Do they sound like they know what they’re talking about?
*Do I know anyone who has seen them? What did they say about them?
* Does the Reader have any reviews? What do they say? Are there common words that come up in them?
* How long do I want the reading for? What is the cost and options? Can I afford it?
* Do I feel safe with this person, what do I intuitively feel about them?
I always encourage people to ring around to see who they like the sound of, and intrinsically how they feel about the Reader, as this will be the best clue, whether you feel as if the person can hold you in that space with integrity or feel kind and competent.
Finally, I always advise people to make sure that they don’t put themselves in a difficult financial situation to have a reading. For example, I’d never read for someone if they are drunk or high or overly medicated as this isn’t helpful to them, and they’re not making that choice from a place of sovereignty. People should only receive a reading when they’re in consciousness and able to process the information. A Psychic reading won’t sort out your entire life in half an hour, but a good one can give you guidance as to what might most help you.
For myself, people have contacted me in all sort of ways, after looking at my photo and making a decision, or, after talking to me, or they’ve had a friend who had a reading from me or they’ve seen a review of me. If I feel like I’m the right person for you, do contact me to book an appointment, but trust your own judgement as to whether what I do is right service for you.
So these are a few things to consider when choosing the right person for you, I hope this raises some helpful questions to ask in finding the perfect fit for you personally and that you hit the jackpot in your choice of Reader!
How can I see you ?
The wonders of technology mean that I now Read for people all over the world, so these Readings are done either via Zoom, Skype, Messenger, FaceTime or over the telephone too. Not being Geographically close to me is no impediment to you having the Reading you need. You can telephone or email me to book your appointment, and we agree a time and date that suits us. Do not worry that you have to be technologically savvy to receive a reading, I will always make sure that we know how and when we are connecting.
For Zoom meetings, I’d just email you a Zoom Link that you click on (you’d need to have the free app downloaded on your phone/ computer but this is very easy to do, you just go to the App Store and press GET to the free app) If you have an Apple IPhone or IPad we can use FaceTime, and I will call you at the appointed time via your phone number or email address linked to the iPad.
For the Skype/ Messenger Readings, You would need to send me either a Skype/ Messenger (etc) request following our initial contact- details of these are on the contact page and depending on the one we choose, ie, you’d give your number for FaceTime, and we then book a mutually agreeable time and date, and I will contact you at this agreed time. It is generally better to do the Skype or Messenger request prior to the appointment, so that your Reading time isn’t taken up by the logistics of connection.
All readings are purchased ahead of time, unless you’ve called me and I have an immediate space, in which case you’d make your payment and I’d contact you straight away. There is a 48 hour cancellation policy and readings are purchased via the website or for established clients via Bank Transfer.
Time Limits
The time limits for readings are set because Psychic Readings can, at times, bring up emotions when we are looking deeply at issues that are important to us. Having a Psychic Consultation with me is an experience of integrity and depth, and studies have shown that after an hour and a half people are not able to process much more emotional or intellectual information and they switch off. It is very important not to be overwhelmed, and for this to be a helpful process to you, so readings are timed to meet your needs for emotional upholding as well as information!
Please be on time for your reading. This is really important , so that you get the most out of your time for yourself. There will be other people booked in after your appointment time, so unfortunately I will not be able to go over your time slot, as this impacts on the person after you, and I do want you to have all of your time available to you. It is your responsibility to make sure you are are ready for your appointment at the right time and date, so always double check the details of your appointment, if in doubt, call me a couple of days before to check!
As we are meeting over Skype, Messenger or FaceTime ensure that ahead of time you have got your computer or your telephone on before the appointment , that you have signal and will be uninterrupted. We will establish best how to connect at our initial contact, so make sure you have the link if we are on Zoom, or that the app we are connecting through is working ok. Very occasionally through no fault of our own, if the signal drops out, it temporarily halts us, but don’t worry, I can always telephone you and continue the reading, so you will not miss out.
We will ensure our connection manner works ok in our initial conversation so any Messenger request goes to Lucy Guy, ( you can see what I look like via the website) a Skype request to Lucy.guy1 or you given me your number for FaceTime sessions. If we have all the logistics of how we are going to connect, and your payment sorted out ahead of time, it means that none of your reading time has to be used on this, we can just get straight on with the reading.
Psychic Parties and Individual Readings.
The Psychic party option is incredibly popular and fits in with many different occasions, Birthdays, Hen Nights, weekends away etc.
There needs to be 6 or more people to book this option for you to go free if you are the Host, and the other 6 or however many others pay for their half hour Readings. If there are less, then everyone would pay individually. This is still done over Zoom or Skype etc, so you just need a quiet corner for people to sit at, with one tablet, phone or laptop, away from the group, to be private. Alternatively, if people have FaceTime they can have the reading on their own phones if they prefer. All connecting details would need to be established first upon booking, so that we have that sorted out prior to our calls, as would the payments.
A small non refundable deposit via PayPal or Bank Transfer is required to secure this option date wise, and this deposit ( usually £20) of course comes off the total paid.
Everyone is still seen 1-1, they are individually tailored Readings, personal to you all. These methods still work, don’t worry! I’m used to Reading for people in all different parts of this country and other countries, so I am very experienced in working like this with you . All the information we need will still come through fine.
There is a One Question option on the website, which is just a Yes/No type option, with no follow up. If there are more complex dynamics you may prefer to have a short reading to properly examine the subject at more depth, or, have your short reading via email.
Email Readings and Voice Recording Readings.
These can still be purchased in the same way as the 30/60 minute reading options, but they are sent to you via email or voice recording rather than done via Zoom/ FaceTime etc. if you would prefer to have your reading in this format, please let me know on booking and include a list of your questions with your initial request, together with your email.
All readings are booked and paid ahead of time of appointment on this website. You can email or telephone me to book the appointment, and we can find a mutually beneficial time. There is a 48 hour cancellation policy, so be mindful of this when booking as cancellation fees apply if you’ve cancelled within this period. Please see the Terms and Conditions as all Readings and Healing are booked on the full acceptance of these.
How to pay
See the ‘Buy now’ tab’ and the Add to Cart tabs here on the website and click these if you want to pay via PayPal, or if you don’t have that, the process will lead you to paying via your card. There are small paypal card fees, which you can see outlined in the pricing.
Gift Vouchers
Gift Vouchers for Readings or Healing or even Animal Communication can be bought for others, (via the buy now section on the website and putting the service you’d like to purchase in the cart). This option is a hugely popular choice.
In this instance you contact me via phone or Email to tell me for whom you wish to Gift the Reading or Healing and provide their name and contact details, or I can send you a blank card for you with my business card for you to then write in for them. You would also give the person my contact details, so they can arrange their Gift appointment with me. This option has a 3-6 month expiry date for them to arrange the appointment at their leisure. This is a much requested and appreciated gift.