The Gratitude Essence


The Gratitude Essence is one which helps shift focus from what you haven’t got, to what you have. It is a very warm essence and helps provide a bit of containment when you’re anxious or feeling abandoned. The Gratitude Essence is taken 3 drops 3 x a day.

The Gratitude Essence is one which helps shift focus from what you haven’t got, to what you have. This Essence brings a bit of a vibrational break, and helps you appreciate what the universe is doing for you. When you’ve felt in a perfect hole of despair, the Essence helps remind you that you aren't abandoned. The Gratitude Essence raises a feeling of warm connectedness inside. A client who took the Gratitude Essence at a very bleak time reported a feeling of being protected and watched over as she took it. The Essence adds a simplicity and safety within. This is a good community Essence as it supports feeling valued, and reminds you that you’ve not been forgotten by the Universe. It helps you know that you do create together with the Divine and that there is meaning, connection and purpose in your life, and that there is a plan between you for your highest good.

Keywords: Safety, Trust, Simplicity, Connection.

Please note: all Essences are taken at your own risk according to our Terms & Conditions



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