The Discipline Essence
The Discipline Essence helps you find clarity & balance as you begin to rescue yourself and slowly find your strength. The Discipline Essence is a motivating one, and is taken 3 drops 3 x a day.
The Discipline Essence helps you find clarity & balance as you begin to rescue yourself and slowly find your strength. This Essence allows you to consider what you might need to focus on and choose what’s most important. The Discipline Essence can help you develop limits & structure. It guides you to calm yourself & take charge of what you declare to be a priority. This Essence raises some shifts in terms of believing in yourself over a period of time. It can support you to begin activities you couldn’t face before as it can motivate you. It encourages the Self belief that you can reach decisions you’ve procrastinated on. Good for intention, The Discipline Essence supports making crisp, considered changes, especially when you’ve been stuck halfway with projects.
Keywords: Support, Goal setting, Forward movement, Purpose.
Please note: all Essences are taken at your own risk according to our Terms & Conditions
L.I –
This essence helped me in two ways, one was that it helped me make choices around food that was more supportive for me in quite a natural way, and also, it gave me the discipline to get stuff done that I hadn’t been able to do before, like my head felt more switched on to get things completed that I hadn’t been able to do for a while.