Animal Healing and Communication

People often contact me for healing or communication with their animals. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as the animal is presenting a certain type of behaviour that has recently exacerbated, or that they seem somehow out of sorts, but their human doesn’t know exactly why. Sometimes people intuitively feel that something is wrong, but can’t put their finger on what that is. Sometimes the animal has a condition that hasn’t healed properly, and further help is needed to manage it. There are a plethora of conditions that can be helped and supported really well with Animal Healing and communication, as it can get to the heart of the issue in a non invasive, gentle and informative manner. Quite often, the animal will be holding something for the human, so this work is always collaborative, together with both the animal and the human. Once the message of the presenting problem is conveyed to me then the solution can be found.

Evolutionary Light Healing and Animal Communication can both be offered over Zoom/ FaceTime/Skype/Messenger etc. or you can book a home visit (within a 15-20 mile radius).

Working with Animals

I have been doing readings and healing with Animals for many years, and since I was a child I have had a natural affinity with animals. I found I was able to communicate with them and understand what they wanted to convey. I have seen many animals over the years, this is usually horses, and domestic pets, but I have also been called to see Farm animals too on a number of occasions! Animals often seem to photobomb their Human’s Readings on Zoom and like to make their presence felt, so they can convey issues they want their humans to know.


Communicating with Animals

Animals can’t speak words but they certainly do communicate!  We choose to share our lives with these friends and companions for the love and support they offer us, so our desire to communicate with them is the same as any of our other relationships. We have emotionally deep relationships with our animals. They are so important to us and when they’re not feeling OK, we find that because of our personal relationship with our pets, we can tell when they suffer and we want to help them.

A session of Animal communication and healing can really help to strengthen the bond between you to find out what they want, and give voice to that. This helps them know that they count to you and as we find ways to alleviate presenting issues, together we strengthen your personal communication with them.

Sometimes the animal will want to convey something particular, and I can then direct their human to act on these changes. These things can be things like the pet saying ‘I don’t like this food’ or I don’t trust this person that comes to the house/field, or, most commonly, I am worried about you’.

Quite often they will tell me about limits or problems that you have been experiencing in your life and they know how it affects you and want to help dig you out of a hole and back into sovereignty.

Animals know what counts to us, and through their behaviour they will get you to take notice as they find you will listen when the issue raises its head up like this. Although it might not seem crystal clear initially what they want to declare to you, once the presenting problem or message is now crisped up in communication, you can find the solutions and cancel out the need for the behaviour.

Animals often carry a lot of our own problems, and these can be both physically and emotionally. Often when the issue is identified for the human, the animal stops carrying the condition, so it is usually a healing that happens together between both the animal and the human, each being considered in the relationship. The human (I’m not keen on the word owner) can then have insight as to what they themselves can do that helps shift the situation so both human and animal can recover together and find freedom from the process.

Home Visits

When I visit people’s animals this can be done in their environment, depending on the animal. Horses and other large animals can be seen in their own environments, although increasingly, people often take their phone to their horse or farm animals and the session can be done in this manner. 

If you feel a home visit is necessary, they are usually within a 15-20 mile radius for Animal Communication or Evolutionary Light Work is activated wherever they are. I tune into them, as I do humans, and get an understanding of what they are saying, and what is out of balance for them. This is done intuitively and psychically, and corroborated by intuitive touch. Many animals often feel relieved at being seen and heard, and once their human companions are on board with what they are communicating, this can ease symptoms tremendously as they don’t feel alone with the issue now.

I will often test intuitively for what will help and support your animal, and people often report quite sudden shifts in behaviour and well being in their animals after the problem or limiting situation is revealed. Sometimes an Evolutionary Light Essence will come up as a priority, and this can also complement the session, as it will elaborate on the presenting theme for the session or the emotional patterning that is behind the problem.

For example, one client of mine had a Rescue dog that had taken time to settle and was quite reactive. Once we had established via the communication that the issue was his still feeling anxious that he was going to be given up and have to leave, I could see that the Safety Essence was the right one for him. After a period of taking this he no longer felt in the halfway place of not being able to fully settle into his home and calmed down on knowing he was there to stay now. His human companion reported him feeling significantly more relaxed and much less reactive going forward.

Animal communication and healing is very popular, we want to live with our pets in warm, tender harmony, we want them to feel safe and happy, and that our relationships together with them are whole. If you have an issue with your animal and you want to strengthen your bond between you, or find a shift with certain patterns of behaviour with them, then do book a session to see what charms it may bring to the relationship between you.

Please see the buy now section to book a session, or better still, call me to discuss your animal’s needs. Gift vouchers are available.

Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers for Readings, Healing, Animal Communication and Evolutionary Light Essences can be bought for others here. This option is a hugely popular choice.

After purchasing a Gift Voucher, please email me with the recipient’s name and contact information at [email protected]. I can then arrange their reading, healing session and/or to send any Essences. The voucher is valid for 6 months.