The VENUS Essence
The Venus Essence is the ultimate in relaxation. It is a very loving Essence promoting harmony, inner Beauty and helping you feel restored within your inner and outer environment. The Venus Essence is perfect for those wanting to reignite loving behaviour towards the self and others, and draw in more love and trust into their lives.
The Venus Essence is taken 3 drops 4 x a day.
The comforting Venus essence encourages you to breathe deeply, and is strongly affiliated to trust and beauty. The Venus Essence is excellent for people who have been very weary, or fatigued, as it feels so restorative. This essence is very gentle, and helps you find your inner gold. It is very comforting for those who have felt heartbroken and don’t know if they can trust again. The Essence helps to promote Hope and self trust in your decisions. It helps you see the beauty within yourself and the goodness of who you are. The Venus Essence helps you connect to the stillness inside, and trust that all is unfolding for your highest good. It acts quickly, which is good for those feeling in crisis.
It acts on the throat chakra so will also facilitate not only harmonising speech but also humming, chanting, singing practice. Let the love of Venus in to your life!
Keywords: Beauty, Comfort, Harmonising, Love, Restoration.
Please note: all Essences are taken at your own risk according to our Terms & Conditions
Ann –
With The Venus Essence I felt reconnected to my creativity. Basically, I would say it grounded me. I noticed three things in the unfolding time:
– I started creative projects again
– I began listening to music again and really enjoying it
– Enabled me to handle a major change at work
Thank you Lucy!