The AQUARIUS Essence


The Aquarius Essence is a great one to help adapt to change, encouraging flexibility and being open to new ways of doing things. This Essence is useful if you’re stuck in a rut and need to find solutions, as it can help you make decisions in finding the priority in situations. It helps foster a sense of belonging, to community or other groups, so it is very good if you’re feeling excluded or on the outside as it helps you belong to yourself first. Aquarius rules the 11th house in Astrology, that of Friendships, social groups, community, and ideals. In the body it rules the Calves, veins and circulation. This is a great Essence to take to encourage friendships and a sense of belonging.

The Aquarius Essence is taken 3 drops 3 x a day.



The Aquarius Essence was made on 2/2/22 (an auspicious date numerology wise). It is a very expansive essence and can help you make decisions to find the salient points in situations. The Aquarius Essence can engender a sense of freedom, truth and fosters inclusivity in it, the bringing disparate elements together. This Essence feels community based in action, and it is great for encouraging belonging, collaborative work, and harmonising people or groups together.

The Aquarius Essence works quickly and assists people to rejoin where they’ve felt alone. Some clients said it supported them in willingness to be more adaptive or see new solutions to old problems. This Essence supports mutual contributions and feeling ‘part of’ the whole, so it is good for anyone feeling excluded or on the outside.

The Aquarius Essence raises the feeling it’s ok to be your quirky Self, helps you change direction if you’ve been stuck and can help illuminate what is unsaid or hidden in dynamics. It can assist by bringing realisations to what is underneath things, and reveal that which is unclear up to the surface for change. For advanced practitioners it can be used for astral projection, and other planetary connections. This Essence is a good one for people wanting to find their personal truths yet still have belonging to others.

Keywords: Collaborative, Communication, Fast Acting, Inclusive, Freedom.

Please note: all Essences are taken at your own risk according to our Terms & Conditions


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