The CANCER Essence


The Cancer Essence comforts you in times of stress when you feel you most need a good mummy, or someone who helps you feel kindly and lovingly supported. It helps soothe emotional wounding and sadness and has good nurture as a key theme of the Essence. Cancer rules the 4th house, that of our foundation and Roots, home and family, also, one of our parents (traditionally the mother but rather take the characteristics of nurturing). In the body Cancer rules the chest and breasts.

The Cancer Essence is taken 2 drops am and pm.




Made 27/6/21 the Cancer Essence offers qualities of nurturing, holding and the ultimate sense of feeling lovingly mothered. Working deeply on your emotional roots, the Cancer Essence Essence taps into our core wounding to bring to them the qualities of Soothing, Sustenance and Succour. This Essence helps you release your heart’s sorrows, and brings comfort to those tender parts of ourselves that are crying out to be held.

The Cancer Essence can support us to release long held griefs and frozen tears, and brings some relief, a shift in acceptance of our heart’s truths to us.

The Cancer Essence is like a Mother’s milk, as we release our profound losses, and gently helps process those experiences. It is very heart centred, and as the sign of Cancer rules the breasts and the stomach, it supports the divine feminine. It’s a great Essence for Emotional Eating, or addictive patterns, helping find comfort within instead.

This soothing Essence is golden for sensitive people, Indigo Children, and those who didn’t get what they needed emotionally as children. Helping to develop qualities of self nurture and parenting,The Cancer Essence works brilliantly together with the Healing the Mother Wound Transformation, or can be taken in times of shock or swarming feelings of stress. Generally it’s taken 2 drops 2 x a day for the whole bottle but in an emergency can be taken up to 4 drops throughout the day.

Keywords: Comfort, Kindness, The Divine Mother, Nurturing, Release, Support.  

Please note: all Essences are taken at your own risk according to our Terms & Conditions


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